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the view from nothing

is a multi-media showcase expounding a thought I came upon soon after getting my 1st computer attached to the web. Once I saw photos from Hubble, I tried to wrap my mind around what this could look like from outside of all that exists. I could imagine going into space, shooting out past all that is, beyond all that Hubble revealed. Once out a sufficient way into nothing, I turn around & view all that is, from numerous angles. It is from here "the view from nothing" takes shape.


A large percentage of my art makes more sense if you think of it & see it from this vantage point. Hubble & computer art arrived in my life almost simultaneously. No wonder so many pieces have a bigger than life feel. Immensity in tandem with the minuscule.


One of the suites, “theories & blueprints”, is an offshoot of that thought. Once you are at “the view from nothing”, what diversity awaits as you consider the scenarios, layouts & designs that could transpire out of such chaotic order. Hence, “theories & blueprints”. Nothing to be taken too seriously. Just a way to deal with what Hubble did to my brain.


Feel free to check out a few promo tunes & peruse some art. All 3 suites (about 30 minutes each), some vids which can be viewed in "the cedar theater​" & a bunch of computer art are in the SHOP as "the view from nothing" trilogy. Or the music & art are available as separate items. For now check out the promo vid. Then scroll to the players, slideshow & collection. FYI, the slideshow has a pause icon in the lower right hand corner if you see a piece you would like to linger on. Pics change every 10 seconds. Breathe. Peace & wellbeing...

It is a good idea to turn the volume halfway down.

v12 the view from nothing

v12 the view from nothing

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all hands on deck

11 tunes, most from mid 2020. A sonic offering, displaying a variance of emotions due to rapidly changing events all over the world. A solid suite of tunes I am glad to have reeled in.


"all hands on deck" is joined by computer art & promo vids, "all hands on deck" & "a gaggle of geese carrying the setting sun", within "the view from nothing 1". Hit play, then scroll to the slideshow or collection.

Remember to turn the volume halfway down.

a being with a guitar

The music was created March 1st, 2013. I played a classical guitar in a non-classical way. Using my own tuning, I just played whatever came to me. Improv of the purest essence. Part of the world's longest guitar solo.


"a being with a guitar" is joined by computer art & promo vids, "gallery 8 placid" & "a blue flower", within "the view from nothing 2". Hit play, then scroll to the slideshow or collection.

Remember to turn the volume halfway down.

theories & blueprints

A subtitle to "the view from nothing". (see above)


"theories & blueprints" is joined by computer art & promo vids, "celeste" & "the view from nothing",  within "the view from nothing 3". Hit play, then scroll to the slideshow or collection.

Remember to turn the volume halfway down.

the view from nothing slideshow

Be sure to center the view.

the view from nothing collection

​Before you kick back to enjoy the collection, activate one of the players. Click on a pic in the collection & you go to full screen. Depending on your viewing device you should have some navigational control.

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